July 2022

VOlUME 05 ISSUE 07 JULY 2022
The Concept of Stealth UAV to Support Air Defense System in Indonesia’s New Capital City
1Opa Mustopa,2Romie Oktovianus Bura,3Sovian Aritonang
1,2,3Motion Power Technology Departement, Faculty of Defense Technology, Republic Indonesia Defense University, , Salemba Raya, Street No 14, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i7-20

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The phenomenon of moving the new capital city in Indonesia creates a new geostrategic perspective. Where in the process must be prepared carefully, especially in the aspect of defense and security systems. This study aims to provide an analysis concept of stealth Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to support the air defense system in Indonesia's new capital city area. The research method used is a qualitative approach by conducting a literature study. The results of the study reveal that the air defense system for Indonesia's new capital city is in accordance with the concept of a smart defense, the need for a platform/ air vehicle that can be used to carry out intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and even be able to carry out attacks in maintaining security in the Indonesian new capital city area by minimizing enemy detection. . And one platform is to use UAV with stealth which can provide advantages in terms of flexibility, reach, minimized operational risk, and the ability to perform operations that are not detected by enemy defense radar sensors.


New capital city,threat of defense system, air defense system, UAV, technology stealth.


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VOlUME 05 ISSUE 07 JULY 2022

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